Today is Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate the great romantic love in your life, if you have one. Truthfully, every day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate those you love. I’d like to encourage you to consider celebrating self-love today as well. Because, truly, that’s where it all begins. How can you be kind to
Overeating and Procrastination–What’s the Connection?
May 22, 2019 – Posted in: depression disappointment emotional eating flexibility food addiction hope hopelessness motivation overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm perfectionism procrastination recovery reducing stress stalling stress and overeating stress eating Uncategorized weight lossWe all procrastinate to some extent. There are only so many hours in the day and some tasks are just more onerous than others. Sometimes we procrastinate because we feel overwhelmed by everything we need to get done and we're having trouble getting started. Other times, we feel unmotivated or tired and can't get going. But no matter what
Is Seasonal Affective Disorder the Cause of Your Cravings?
September 1, 2018 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression despair emotional eating hopelessness mood disorders motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss recovery reducing stress resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings transitions weight loss whole unprocessed plant foods winter bluesAt this time of year, many of my clients begin to complain about the days getting shorter and darker. Understandably so. It’s not just that the summer is ending and the longer, lazier days will soon be behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive
Are You Eating Over Unmet Expectations?
June 28, 2017 – Posted in: adjusting expectations depression emotional eating greiving hopelessness identifying emotions and needs Late night eating loneliness and overeating losses and disappointments Making lifestyle changes overeating, dieting, weight loss personalizing procrastination resolving emotional eating self connection self-worth stress and overeating stress eating unrealistic expectations weight lossJackie baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies after spending Saturday afternoon with her close friend Carol. The time spent with Carol did not feel nourishing. The two dishes of ice cream and the plate of hot, freshly baked cookies did. Just baking the cookies felt more nurturing than spending time with Carol. Jackie was
Are You a Late Night Eater?
August 26, 2015 – Posted in: blood sugar imbalances delaying gratification diabetes diet mentality embracing emotions emotional eating food addiction glycemic index high cortisol levels high insulin levels hope hopelessness identifying emotions and needs insulin resistance Late night eating loneliness and overeating Making lifestyle changes motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress resolving emotional eating stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings weight loss whole unprocessed plant foodsAlright, let's be honest. You eat dinner most nights at a reasonable hour, but then, later in the evening, you find yourself heading to the freezer for your nightly ice cream fix, or to the pantry to raid the cookies and chocolate stash. Truthfully, you're not even hungry, but you feel a craving for something sweet and fatty. Nothing to be ashamed of--late
Self-Doubt and Overeating: What’s the Connection?
April 25, 2015 – Posted in: adjusting expectations compassion depression embracing emotions emotional eating hopelessness identifying emotions and needs overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm perfectionism procrastination reducing stress resolving emotional eating self connection self-acceptance self-compassion self-defeating thinking self-doubt self-love self-worth stress and overeating stress eating unrealistic expectationsEveryone struggles with self-doubt occasionally. It's not only normal to experience self-doubt, it's actually healthy and a sign that you're open minded and questioning your choices, abilities and behaviors. A little self-doubt is humbling, keeping our self-confidence in check and reminding us that we're still mortals who make mistakes and have short-comings. The key is not
Resolve to be kind to and patient with yourself this New Year
January 11, 2012 – Posted in: adjusting expectations emotional eating hopelessness losses and disappointments losses and disappointments overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating self connection Uncategorized unrealistic expectations weight lossDid you make any New Year's resolutions this year about losing weight, getting in shape or stopping your emotional eating? If your like most Americans, you made one or more resolutions along those lines. And now, almost two weeks into the new year, you may be wondering where all those good intentions have gone. I've
Spiritual Depletion and Emotional Eating–Part II
October 27, 2011 – Posted in: emotional eating hopelessness loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss spiritual connection weight lossYou may be sensing that some deeper longing or hunger within you is fueling your emotional eating. How do you know if your emotional eating represents a yearning for spiritual connection and nourishment? In Part I of this article, I suggested that spiritual depletion may be experienced as a restlessness or sense of unease, discontent
Spiritual Depletion and Emotional Eating–Part I
October 16, 2011 – Posted in: depression despair emotional eating hopelessness loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss spiritual connection UncategorizedJust as a wholesome meal nourishes our body, spirituality nourishes our soul. The spiritual component of well-being involves a search for meaning, serenity and joy that goes beyond our day-to-day concerns. You may be sensing that some deeper longing or hunger within you is fueling your emotional eating. Perhaps the concept of spiritual depletion resonates with