Do you have leftover bags of candy and treats after Halloween? If so, you're probably debating whether to throw it all out or put it in the freezer and save it for later. You certainly don't want to eat that much candy now, you know it's not good for you (or your children), but perhaps
high insulin levels
It’s Time to Spring into Action
March 8, 2024 – Posted in: excuses for not exercising exercising flexibility high insulin levels Making lifestyle changes motivation motivation to change habits moving your body overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism stregth training stress and overeating stress eating stretching weight lifting weight lossFor many of us, our parents and grandparents got much more physical activity than we get today. They shoveled snow, raked leaves, chopped wood, scrubbed floors, hand-washed garments, hand-mowed lawns, washed and waxed cars and walked miles per day. And for our earliest of ancestors, physical activity was a natural way of life. Roaming and
Resistant Starch: Are You Including this Superfood in your Eating Plan?
August 27, 2021 – Posted in: blood sugar imbalances brain chemistry imbalances diabetes diet mentality dieting food addiction food allergies glycemic index high insulin levels overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating stress and overeating sugar addiction sugar cravings whole unprocessed plant foodsWhen you think about "starch", what comes to mind? Most likely, you think about foods like potatoes, breads, beans, rice and pasta and fruits like bananas and plantains. Perhaps you think about your shirts being laundered or that box of potato or corn starch you saw your grandmother take out of the cupboard to add to recipes. And
Stressed Out and Overeating?
June 30, 2021 – Posted in: adjusting expectations blood sugar imbalances brain chemistry imbalances dieting emotional eating food allergies high cortisol levels high insulin levels identifying emotions and needs loneliness and overeating motivation overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm recovery reducing stress resolving emotional eating self-acceptance stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings weight lossWe all feel the effects of stress, from agitated moods to tension in our bodies leading to chronic pain and illness. Stress in small doses can actually be useful. The stress you feel before a big exam may just be the motivation you need to increase your study time. Chronic job dissatisfaction may be the needed stressor to change jobs or go back
Are You a Late Night Eater?
August 26, 2015 – Posted in: blood sugar imbalances delaying gratification diabetes diet mentality embracing emotions emotional eating food addiction glycemic index high cortisol levels high insulin levels hope hopelessness identifying emotions and needs insulin resistance Late night eating loneliness and overeating Making lifestyle changes motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress resolving emotional eating stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings weight loss whole unprocessed plant foodsAlright, let's be honest. You eat dinner most nights at a reasonable hour, but then, later in the evening, you find yourself heading to the freezer for your nightly ice cream fix, or to the pantry to raid the cookies and chocolate stash. Truthfully, you're not even hungry, but you feel a craving for something sweet and fatty. Nothing to be ashamed of--late
Ten Steps for Beating Food Addiction
August 15, 2014 – Posted in: blood sugar imbalances brain chemistry imbalances delaying gratification emotional eating food addiction food allergies high insulin levels insulin resistance mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress resolving emotional eating stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction weight lossHow many times have you vowed, on a Sunday night or Monday morning, to start the week clean and stop eating foods containing sugar or flour, stop eating fried foods or rich dairy products, or drinking alcohol, soda and other caffeinated or sugary beverages? Probably more times than you care to admit. So what happens to