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Resolve to be Kind to and Patient with Yourself this New Year

– Posted in: adjusting expectations compassion delaying gratification diet mentality dieting embracing emotions emotional eating exercising forgiveness gratitude hope identifying emotions and needs Inner Nurturing loneliness and overeating Making lifestyle changes motivation to change habits New Years Resolutions overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism rebellion recovery reducing stress resolving emotional eating self-acceptance self-compassion self-love self-worth stress and overeating transitions weight loss whole unprocessed plant foods worthiness

Did you make any New Year's resolutions this year about getting into shape or stopping your emotional eating? If you're like most Americans, you've make one or more resolutions along those lines. And then, a few weeks into the new year, you may be wondering where all those good intentions went. I've never been a

It’s Time to Spring into Action

– Posted in: excuses for not exercising exercising flexibility high insulin levels Making lifestyle changes motivation motivation to change habits moving your body overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism stregth training stress and overeating stress eating stretching weight lifting weight loss

For many of us, our parents and grandparents got much more physical activity than we get today. They shoveled snow, raked leaves, chopped wood, scrubbed floors, hand-washed garments, hand-mowed lawns, washed and waxed cars and walked miles per day. And for our earliest of ancestors, physical activity was a natural way of life. Roaming and

Happy International No Diet Day

– Posted in: diet mentality dieting embracing emotions emotional eating fasting food addiction forgiveness gratitude motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism recovery resolving emotional eating self-acceptance self-compassion stress and overeating stress eating weight loss

I bet you didn't know that today is International No Diet Day. Well it is, and its observed annually on May 6th. It's a day dedicated to raise awareness regarding the dangers of dieting and to celebrate body acceptance and body shape diversity. Despite the entrenchment of the diet mentality in our culture, research demonstrates that diets don't

Overeating and Procrastination–What’s the Connection?

– Posted in: depression disappointment emotional eating flexibility food addiction hope hopelessness motivation overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm perfectionism procrastination recovery reducing stress stalling stress and overeating stress eating Uncategorized weight loss

We all procrastinate to some extent. There are only so many hours in the day and some tasks are just more onerous than others. Sometimes we procrastinate because we feel overwhelmed by everything we need to get done and we're having trouble getting started. Other times, we feel unmotivated or tired and can't get going. But no matter what

Making Lasting Lifestyle Changes

– Posted in: adjusting expectations compassion delaying gratification emotional eating excuses for not exercising Making lifestyle changes motivation motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism self-acceptance self-compassion self-defeating thinking self-doubt self-love self-worth stress and overeating transitions worthiness

It's summertime and perhaps you're feeling motivated to make some positive lifestyle changes like reducing your intake of processed foods, exercising more, drinking more water and less caffeine and attacking your clutter. Yet, when you contemplate these changes, you wonder if you'll really be able to make them this time. After all, how many summers

Healing a Poor Body Image

– Posted in: compassion emotional eating exercising forgiveness healing a body image motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism resolving emotional eating self-acceptance self-compassion self-love self-worth

I am saddened when I hear the stream of negative, critical, unloving comments that clients, seminar attendees, and participants in my 12 Week Program often verbalize about their bodies. "I can't love and accept myself as is with these thunderous thighs." "I won't go out in public in a sleeveless shirt; I hate my fat,

Happy International No Diet Day

– Posted in: diet mentality dieting Elimination Diet emotional eating gratitude hope identifying emotions and needs overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism recovery resolving emotional eating self connection self-acceptance self-compassion self-defeating thinking self-doubt self-love self-worth stress and overeating

I bet you didn't know that today is International No Diet Day. Well it is, and its observed annually on May 6th. It's a day dedicated to raise awareness regarding the dangers of dieting and to celebrate body acceptance and body shape diversity. Despite the entrenchment of the diet mentality in our culture, research demonstrates that diets don't

Self-Doubt and Overeating: What’s the Connection?

– Posted in: adjusting expectations compassion depression embracing emotions emotional eating hopelessness identifying emotions and needs overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm perfectionism procrastination reducing stress resolving emotional eating self connection self-acceptance self-compassion self-defeating thinking self-doubt self-love self-worth stress and overeating stress eating unrealistic expectations

Everyone struggles with self-doubt occasionally. It's not only normal to experience self-doubt, it's actually healthy and a sign that you're open minded and questioning your choices, abilities and behaviors. A little self-doubt is humbling, keeping our self-confidence in check and reminding us that we're still mortals who make mistakes and have short-comings. The key is not

Is Your Eating an Act of Rebellion?

– Posted in: compassion depression despair disappointment embracing emotions emotional eating forgiveness grief grieving hurts identifying emotions and needs loneliness and overeating losses and disappointments old pain overeating, dieting, weight loss painful childhood memories perfectionism rebellion reducing stress resentments resolving emotional eating self connection self-acceptance self-compassion self-love self-worth stress eating trauma Uncategorized unmourned losses weight loss worthiness wounds from childhood

Shirley, a 37-year-old wife and mother, looks forward to her nightly binges.They are the only time she feels totally free and in control of her life. She resents the fact that her husband doesn’t earn more money and that she has to work full-time while raising their three-year old. She’d like to have another child before time runs out, but can’t

Do You Feel Worthy of Self-Love?

– Posted in: adjusting expectations compassion emotional eating forgiveness losses and disappointments overeating, dieting, weight loss perfectionism procrastination resolving emotional eating self connection self-acceptance self-love self-worth unmourned losses weight loss worthiness wounds from childhood

We've all heard it said that you can't love anyone else until you love yourself.  And although we know there's truth to this old adage, most of us persist in looking for love outside of ourselves, often in all the wrong places. In one of my emotional eating groups this week, we discussed the concept of worthiness.  I asked the