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holiday eating

Do You Want to Feel Special and Loved this Valentine’s Day?

– Posted in: adjusting expectations compassion embracing emotions emotional eating forgiveness gratitude holiday eating holiday overeating holiday overindulging hope hopelessness hurts Inner Nurturing loneliness and overeating losses and disappointments overeating, dieting, weight loss self connection self-acceptance self-compassion self-defeating thinking self-love self-worth stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate the great romantic love in your life, if you have one. Truthfully, every day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate those you love. I’d like to encourage you to consider celebrating self-love today as well. Because, truly, that’s where it all begins. How can you be kind to

Ten Strategies to Curb Holiday Overindulging

– Posted in: blood sugar imbalances diet mentality dieting emotional eating food addiction food allergies gratitude holiday eating holiday overeating Inner Nurturing loneliness and overeating Making lifestyle changes overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating stress and overeating stress eating winter blues

Set the best intention, overeat, shame and guilt yourself, repeat. Despite our best intentions, many of us find ourselves routinely overeating at meals, snacking mindlessly, or bingeing regularly. It's a familiar pattern that seems to end in weight gain for many of us every year, especially during the holidays. With the last two weeks of

The Weight of Thanksgiving

– Posted in: adjusting expectations delaying gratification depression despair diabetes diet mentality dieting emotional eating glycemic index gratitude holiday eating holiday overeating hope identifying emotions and needs loneliness and overeating Making lifestyle changes motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm reducing stress resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder self-love spiritual connection stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings transitions whole unprocessed plant foods winter blues

Thanksgiving is a time when most of us overeat. It’s just what we do on this holiday, right? Snack, overeat, repeat. Even though we're a bit uncomfortable by the end of the day, it’s okay. We’re celebrating and giving thanks for the abundance of food on our tables and the family and friends in our

Handling Post-Halloween Sugar Cravings

– Posted in: blood sugar imbalances brain chemistry imbalances delaying gratification diet mentality Elimination Diet emotional eating fasting food addiction food allergies glycemic index high insulin levels holiday eating holiday overeating holiday overindulging identifying emotions and needs motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress resolving emotional eating self connection stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings weight loss whole unprocessed plant foods

Do you have leftover bags of candy and treats after Halloween?  If so, you're probably debating whether to throw it all out or put it in the freezer and save it for later. You certainly don't want to eat that much candy now, you know it's not good for you (or your children), but perhaps

Five Tips to Avoid Halloween Hangovers

– Posted in: blood sugar imbalances brain chemistry imbalances delaying gratification diabetes diet mentality emotional eating food addiction food allergies holiday eating holiday overeating loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating stress and overeating sugar addiction sugar cravings weight loss

For many emotional eaters, the holiday season's over indulgences begin with Halloween. The sheer volume of candy and delectable treats lining supermarket and drugstore shelves and home pantries is in itself downright spooky! And to add insult to injury, candy is being handed out every where you turn. Candy manufacturers seem to be oblivious to

Do You Tend to Overeat When The Days Get Shorter?

– Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression despair emotional eating holiday eating Making lifestyle changes mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeating stress eating sugar cravings transitions winter blues

At this time of year, many of my clients come in complaining of the shorter, darker days. Understandably so. It’s not just that the summer has ended and the longer, lazier days are behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive and bipolar) can all of a sudden find