In the previous blog article, I asked if you felt worthy of self-love. Hopefully you're putting into practice some of the exercises I suggested and you're beginning to connect to yourself in a more loving way. Today is Valentine's Day and I'd like you to take self-love one step further. I invite you to be your own valentine.
loneliness and overeating
Embrace all your emotions
November 9, 2011 – Posted in: emotional eating identifying emotions and needs loneliness and overeating old pain purpose of emotions resolving emotional eatingHave you ever thought about the purpose of your emotions? If you're like most people, you don't think much about emotions (yours or anyone elses) and you just move through them, hoping to experience more of the pleasant, energizing ones and steer clear of the deflating ones. When unpleasant emotions such as loneliness, hurt, disappointment or rejection surface, perhaps you try
Spiritual Depletion and Emotional Eating–Part II
October 27, 2011 – Posted in: emotional eating hopelessness loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss spiritual connection weight lossYou may be sensing that some deeper longing or hunger within you is fueling your emotional eating. How do you know if your emotional eating represents a yearning for spiritual connection and nourishment? In Part I of this article, I suggested that spiritual depletion may be experienced as a restlessness or sense of unease, discontent
Spiritual Depletion and Emotional Eating–Part I
October 16, 2011 – Posted in: depression despair emotional eating hopelessness loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss spiritual connection UncategorizedJust as a wholesome meal nourishes our body, spirituality nourishes our soul. The spiritual component of well-being involves a search for meaning, serenity and joy that goes beyond our day-to-day concerns. You may be sensing that some deeper longing or hunger within you is fueling your emotional eating. Perhaps the concept of spiritual depletion resonates with
Loneliness and emotional eating–Part II
September 15, 2011 – Posted in: emotional eating loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss overwhelm self connection stress and overeating unrealistic expectationsChronic loneliness is a symptom and signal that you are disconnected from one or more of the three main sources of soul nourishment and sustenance: Self, Others and Spirituality. Some level of a positive connection to all three sources is essential for good emotional and physical health. In Part I of this article, I addressed Self-connection and
Loneliness and emotional eating–Part I
August 31, 2011 – Posted in: adjusting expectations depression despair emotional eating greiving loneliness and overeating overeating, dieting, weight loss stress and overeating stress eating weight lossMy client Alexis (name-changed), a forty-four year old web designer, has been single her entire life. Without partner or child, she often feels invisible at social gatherings filled with couples and families. Her parents passed away in the last few years and as an only child without much extended family, she often feels a painful, overwhelming and