Thanksgiving is a time when most of us overeat. It’s just what we do on this holiday, right? Snack, overeat, repeat. Even though we're a bit uncomfortable by the end of the day, it’s okay. We’re celebrating and giving thanks for the abundance of food on our tables and the family and friends in our
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Do You Tend to Overeat When the Days get Shorter?
October 14, 2024 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression despair emotional eating Late night eating loneliness and overeating Making lifestyle changes overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeating stress eating sugar cravings weight loss whole unprocessed plant foods winter bluesAt this time of year, many of my clients complain about the days getting shorter. Understandably so. It's not just that the summer has ended and the longer, lazier days are behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive and bipolar) can all of a
Is Seasonal Affective Disorder the Cause of Your Cravings?
September 1, 2018 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression despair emotional eating hopelessness mood disorders motivation to change habits overeating, dieting, weight loss recovery reducing stress resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction sugar cravings transitions weight loss whole unprocessed plant foods winter bluesAt this time of year, many of my clients begin to complain about the days getting shorter and darker. Understandably so. It’s not just that the summer is ending and the longer, lazier days will soon be behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive
Do You Tend to Overeat When The Days Get Shorter?
October 3, 2016 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression despair emotional eating holiday eating Making lifestyle changes mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeating stress eating sugar cravings transitions winter bluesAt this time of year, many of my clients come in complaining of the shorter, darker days. Understandably so. It’s not just that the summer has ended and the longer, lazier days are behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive and bipolar) can all of a sudden find
Do you tend to emotionally overeat when the days get shorter and darker?
September 30, 2011 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression emotional eating mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeatingAt this time of year, many of my clients come in complaining of the shorter, darker days. Understandably so. It's not just that the Summer has ended and the longer, lazy days are behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive and bipolar) can all of