At this time of year, many of my clients begin to complain about the days getting shorter and darker. Understandably so. It’s not just that the summer is ending and the longer, lazier days will soon be behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive
mood disorders
Do You Tend to Overeat When The Days Get Shorter?
October 3, 2016 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression despair emotional eating holiday eating Making lifestyle changes mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss resolving emotional eating Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeating stress eating sugar cravings transitions winter bluesAt this time of year, many of my clients come in complaining of the shorter, darker days. Understandably so. It’s not just that the summer has ended and the longer, lazier days are behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive and bipolar) can all of a sudden find
Ten Steps for Beating Food Addiction
August 15, 2014 – Posted in: blood sugar imbalances brain chemistry imbalances delaying gratification emotional eating food addiction food allergies high insulin levels insulin resistance mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress resolving emotional eating stress and overeating stress eating sugar addiction weight lossHow many times have you vowed, on a Sunday night or Monday morning, to start the week clean and stop eating foods containing sugar or flour, stop eating fried foods or rich dairy products, or drinking alcohol, soda and other caffeinated or sugary beverages? Probably more times than you care to admit. So what happens to
Do you tend to emotionally overeat when the days get shorter and darker?
September 30, 2011 – Posted in: brain chemistry imbalances depression emotional eating mood disorders overeating, dieting, weight loss reducing stress Seasonal Affective Disorder stress and overeatingAt this time of year, many of my clients come in complaining of the shorter, darker days. Understandably so. It's not just that the Summer has ended and the longer, lazy days are behind us. With this particular season change, those who suffer from mild to moderate mood disorders (especially depressive and bipolar) can all of