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Poor sleep and weight gain?

Ever notice how hungry you feel when you don’t get enough sleep? Did you know that when we are sleep-deprived we eat more because we are actually hungrier? Yes, it’s true. Chronic sleep loss disrupts the body’s endocrine system by triggering increased insulin resistance and a disruption of appetite regulating hormones. Lack of sleep leads

What’s the best eating plan?

If you have been overweight for some time, you’ve probably tried many diets and are unclear as to how to lose the weight and keep it off without feeling hungry or deprived. There seems to always be debate and controversy surrounding the issue of diet. Which is the correct eating plan? Should you follow a

Getting Back on Track

It seems we are constantly trying to “get back on track” with something in our lives.  We may be trying to get back to healthy eating, working out, de-cluttering, dating or work on some project we’ve dropped.  And if we’ve really fallen behind, the disappointment and overwhelmed feeling can lead to a sense of failure,

Stink’n Think’n

Have you ever thought about how powerful your thoughts are and how quickly they can alter your mood?  Truthfully, how often does a thought or series of thoughts ruin a perfectly good day for you?  How often do you grab something to eat to calm or soothe yourself because of overwhelming, anxious or depressive thoughts? 

A New Year, A New You

A new year brings with it hope, motivation and resolutions to make significant changes in our lives.  If you're like many overeaters, the resolutions at the top of your list every year include cleaning up your diet, exercising more regularly and taking off the weight you gained during the holidays, and then some. If you're

Adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy for self abuse

I often hear from my overeating clients that they wish they could get motivated to take better care of themselves. They ask me "why is it that I can't motivate myself to eat better and exercise consistently? It shouldn't be this difficult!"   While the answer will vary from person to person, one thing that I

Is your eating driven by emotional hunger?

If you're like most of the people that attend my seminars, workshops and classes on Emotional Eating, you've tried all kinds of diets, fasts and exercise regimens to take off the weight.  Perhaps you've even tried pills, shots and surgery, all to no avail.  You've lost weight many times but always seem to gain it

Could excess weight be a form of protection for you?

I recently saw the play Ruined at the Geffen Theatre here in Los Angeles. It was an extremely moving and poignant story of the sexual and emotional abuse of women in the war-torn Congo. In this fictional story, some of the female Congolese refugees were "lucky" enough to find work and shelter in a brothel,

Stopping the Diet Mentalilty

   Perhaps you've just gone through a rough patch in your life, or a very busy, stressful time and you've been overeating.  Maybe your life, in general, feels like one big rough patch!   You've gained some weight and you're trying to figure out how to lose it.  Often, the quickest way to feel some control over your

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