Overeating Recovery header image

The 12 Week Program

This is a 12 week step-by-step program (by phone via teleconference or live, in person, in Los Angeles) that offers you an alternative to dieting by addressing the mind, body and spirit imbalances that underlie overeating. Scroll down for registration options.
                               Over the course of the 12 weeks, you will learn:

      Five Self-Care Skills

         Five Body-Balancing Principles &

         Five Soul-Care Practices

These skills, principles and practices will help you put an end to overeating and dieting once and for all. Each week you will gain new insights and learn or practice new skills. There will be both instruction and group process and sharing. At the end of the 12 weeks, you can continue in a weekly Follow-up group if you like.

      This program is for you if any of the following apply:

    • .        You regularly overeat
    • .        You eat when you’re not hungry or beyond full
    • .        You regularly binge (compulsively eat a large amount of food in a short period of time)
    • ·        You binge and then purge (vomiting, over-exercising, laxatives)
    • ·        You feel out of control with food (some of the time or all of the time)
    • ·        You feel addicted to certain foods
    • ·        You think about food and weight often
    • ·        You believe your eating has an emotional component to it 
    • ·        You believe there may be a biochemical component to your overeating
    • ·        You have health concerns related to your overeating
    • ·        You feel sad, ashamed and guilty about your eating, weight and body image 
    • ·        You restrict activities based on a poor body image 
    • ·        You have difficulty experiencing and expressing your emotions 
    • ·        You get stuck in unpleasant emotional states 
    • ·        You feel unclear about your needs and/or hopeless about them being met 
    • ·        Your thinking tends to be self-defeating and critical or pessimistic
    • ·        You have difficulties setting limits with yourself and boundaries with others 
    • ·        You have a tendency towards perfectionism
    • ·        You have a tendency towards procrastination and avoidance  
    • ·        You have a tendency towards clutter
    • ·        You have a tendency towards people-pleasing
    • ·        You have difficulty asserting yourself
    • ·        You take better care of others than yourself
    • ·        You find it difficult to unconditionally love and accept yourself
    • ·        You find it difficult to quiet your mind
    • ·        You have difficulty letting go (of control, hurts, resentments, attachments, etc.)
    • ·        Your life could use more purpose, meaning and passion
    • ·        You could use more nourishing connections in your life
    • ·        You’re ready to stop dieting and try something new
    • ·        You’re ready to learn how to nourish yourself without using food


                                Week 1:           Getting Started—Mastering Self-Care Skills: Self-Connection 

                                                          Tuning Up Biochemistry: Hunger and Fullness

                                Week 2:           Mastering Self-Care Skills: Self-Defeating Thinking

                                Week 3:            Mastering Self-Care Skills: Unconditional Self-Acceptance & Love

                                Week 4:           Tuning Up Biochemistry: Adding Unprocessed Whole-Foods

                                                          to your eating plan

                                Week 5:           Tuning Up Biochemistry: Hormonal Havoc, Brain Chemistry

                                                          Imbalances, Food Allergies/Sensitivities and  Addiction                                    

                                Week 6:           Tuning Up Biochemistry: The importance of Exercise and Sleep

                                Week 7:            Mastering Self-Care Skills: Self-Soothing and Grieving

                                Week 8:            Mastering Self-Care Skills: Creating “Enough-ness” and

                                                           Setting Limits and Boundaries

                                Week 9:            Filling Up Spiritual Reserves: Mind Quieting and Letting Go

                                Week 10:          Filling Up Spiritual Reserves: Purpose and Meaning 

                                Week 11:          Filling Up Spiritual Reserves: Nourishing Connections

                                Week 12:          Filling Up Spiritual Reserves: Practicing Gratitude

                                                                                           PROGRAM FEES                

    Coaching Teleseminar Series 

United States Participants:

Three payments of $535.00 (includes Materials sent via email) or

One payment of $1550.00 (includes Materials)

International Participants (includes paypal Border fee):

Three payments of $550.00 (includes Materials) or

One payment of $1600.00 (includes Materials)

You can pay by credit card, Zelle or check–scroll down for Credit Card payment options.

The Coaching Teleseminar Series includes one lecture per week–the first one is live (on the phone) and the next eleven are pre-recorded–plus a 90+ minute coaching call every week, on Saturday/Sunday mornings or Thursday evenings, with Julie. 

You will receive your first week’s set of materials prior to the first lecture, via email. Please make sure we have a working email to send your materials. Check your spam folder if you have paid and haven’t heard from us or contact us at (310) 559-7950.

Live Program 

Three payments of $575.00 (includes Handbook with Materials) or

One payment of $1650.00 (includes Handbook with Materials)

The live program meets in Los Angeles once per week for 120+ minutes and includes both lecture and coaching with Julie. 

                                                            You can pay by credit card, check or cash  

  Please see Upcoming Events for dates and times.

Contact Julie before paying to be sure the session you’re choosing is not already full and to pay by check or Zelle.

Coaching Teleseminar Series Payment Options–United States participants

Coaching Teleseminar Series Payment Options–International participants, including Canada

Live Program Payment Options

            Please see FAQ for frequently asked questions.

                  For Comments from Participants, please see Program Testimonials.